By Janet k, 18 April, 2010 Description Beautiful piece of furniture. Category Music and Music Instruments Medium Wood Walnut Dark Wood Distinguishing marks Weaver - York PA Condition Good Size and dimensions of this item 66" long 55" high 26" deep Date Period 1957 Weight Heavy History Received this piano in 1957 eBay Auction Link For Sale? No Photos Re: Piano - Upright Any piano over 50 years old is generally in need of a total tune up of it's internal workings and new strings, a very costly proposition. Most uprights in "As is" condition sell in the $200.00- $500.00 range. Select ratingGive it 1/5Give it 2/5Give it 3/5Give it 4/5Give it 5/5Cancel rating No votes yet Leave this field blank Log in or register to post comments
Re: Piano - Upright Any piano over 50 years old is generally in need of a total tune up of it's internal workings and new strings, a very costly proposition. Most uprights in "As is" condition sell in the $200.00- $500.00 range. Select ratingGive it 1/5Give it 2/5Give it 3/5Give it 4/5Give it 5/5Cancel rating No votes yet Leave this field blank
Re: Piano - Upright
Any piano over 50 years old is generally in need of a total tune up of it's internal workings and new strings, a very costly proposition. Most uprights in "As is" condition sell in the $200.00- $500.00 range.