Hello, well it appears to be from the 1930's by the dovetails and it is tiger maple, and this highboy is very nice with the flame finials and the fan carvings. If i where to place a value on this with the current economy possibly 800.00 i used to sell these in tennesee in mahoghany and get 800.00 to 1200.00 but not no more, prices on furniture today is like going back to the 70's but hey someone could pay more given the right person where they just want it. I sold a period 1840's tiger maple chest at an auction in grey maine back in the early 90's with a chimney back splash and got 1500 and was a very reputable auction house. given all this info in my opinion 800.00 is good and be glad if you get it. Good luck. always start high you can always come down if you dont need to sell it and its sentimental you can always keep it and pass it down.
Re: Highboy
Hello, well it appears to be from the 1930's by the dovetails and it is tiger maple, and this highboy is very nice with the flame finials and the fan carvings. If i where to place a value on this with the current economy possibly 800.00 i used to sell these in tennesee in mahoghany and get 800.00 to 1200.00 but not no more, prices on furniture today is like going back to the 70's but hey someone could pay more given the right person where they just want it. I sold a period 1840's tiger maple chest at an auction in grey maine back in the early 90's with a chimney back splash and got 1500 and was a very reputable auction house. given all this info in my opinion 800.00 is good and be glad if you get it. Good luck. always start high you can always come down if you dont need to sell it and its sentimental you can always keep it and pass it down.