It is a six drawer dresser made from Maple. We have been told it was taken off the top of a larger piece and a base was made for it. We believe it is late 1700's or early 1800's.
Anyone have any idea what it may be worth?
Re: Maple Dresser
Anyone have any idea what this may be worth?
Re: Late 1700's - Early 1800's Maple Dresser
Without a lot of detailed images of the drawer construction, the base and back, it's a guess as to whether it's a hundred year repro or an 18th Century original.If you could put up some more images I'll give it another look.
Re: Late 1700's - Early 1800's Maple Dresser
Posted a side view. I will take some pictures of the views you requested and post. Thank you
Re: Late 1700's - Early 1800's Maple Dresser
I posted a few more pictures. Any information you may offer is apprecieated. I remember my grandfather having it. I do not know if it was passed on to him. My parents had it for the last 50 years. Nothing has been done to it while they owned it.
Re: Late 1700's - Early 1800's Maple Dresser
Thanks for the extra images, it does look like the real deal, dates to the 18th Century. As old as it is, chest like this often sell for less tahn $1000.00 at auction:
Here is a link for you:…
Re: Late 1700's - Early 1800's Maple Dresser
Thank you LoveJoy