I do not know anything about the history of this cedar chest. I found it at an antique store in the mall. The employees didn't know anything about the item. Need any information possible. Thank you for taking the time to browse my item.
- Adam
Re: Need Appraisal on Antique Cedar Chest ASAP!
In the beginning, Serial numbers started out being 6 digits read from left to right.
Later, Lane added a 7th digit.
The later serial #s are read backwards and will tell you the month, day and year it was manufactured.
If it has 7 numbers, the last number indicates which plant it was made at. Example
2235150 = 2 / 23 / 51 / 50 shows it was made on May 15, 1932 at plant #2. This number is found on the outside bottom of the chest. You will also find the model # on the bottom.
Based on the style, my guess is that it is from the 20s or 30s.
Re: Need Appraisal on Antique Cedar Chest ASAP!
It's in the Colonial Revival Style and dates from the mid 1920's. Several companies made these and they were produced in the millions , so values for them remain modest. Most like this go at auction all the time for less than $100.00.