I aquired a hutch/china cabinet, all that is really known is that it is a 2 piece where one sits on top of the other. The top portion is lighted. There is dovetailing in the drawers along with screws on the hardware that look rough, semi square and hand made. A stamp was found in one of the drawers that has a picture that looks like a pirate and it says Buck-aneer Colonial. From research, I believe this was made by the E.R. Buck Chair Co. of Clinton, MA
Re: Buck-aneer Colonial cabinet
I have a set that is stamped Buckaneer Colonial. Past research has yielded me that either S. Bent or Nichols Stone may have made the set. Real sturdy. The pieces look to be maple, but almost with a cherry hue. This is the first time I'ver seen a china closlet. buffet piece. Nice piece