This is a wooden box of brass(?) silverware. The handles are wood inlaid with the brass. All of the forks and spoons are smaller than the average size of silverware. The box is lined in bright pink velvet. The label in the corner says: JAMES / NO. 542/13-14 Petchaburi Rd. Opp. Metro Theatre / P.O. Box 2144 Bangkok Thailand Tel. 70960-73062 / Dealers in the finest gems & jewellry / Silver-Niello wares, bronze wares.
Re: 29-Piece JAMES brass w/wooden handles flatware in velvet ...
What is the value?
Re: 29-Piece JAMES brass w/wooden handles flatware in velvet ...
What is the current value?
Re: 29-Piece JAMES brass w/wooden handles flatware in velvet...
I have the same set. Can you advise the current value