This is a "Gone With The Wind" style lamp, named after the famous movie where such lamps were used as props. Lamps like this one are 20th Century electric reproductions of original Victorian Oil Lamps made during the last quarter of the 19th Century. Most post date 1940 and were made right through the 1980's. Values for them vary, but tend to be modest for most at under $150.00, at auction often selling for under $50.00.
Gone with the Wind style lamp
This is a "Gone With The Wind" style lamp, named after the famous movie where such lamps were used as props. Lamps like this one are 20th Century electric reproductions of original Victorian Oil Lamps made during the last quarter of the 19th Century. Most post date 1940 and were made right through the 1980's. Values for them vary, but tend to be modest for most at under $150.00, at auction often selling for under $50.00.