George Sandefur
What I assume are Dog Sleds
Can make out on a small plate that it was manufactured in Waterloo, Iowa.
Do not have any other information and wasn’t able to locate anything with this information.
Located in Indianapolis Indiana
George Sandefur Dog Sleds
This appraisal pertains to a pair of vintage wooden dog sleds marked "George Sandefur" with manufacture details indicating origins in Waterloo, Iowa. The sleds feature a combination of wood, metal, and leather elements. Markings on the wood indicate the following identifiers:
Historical Context:
Estimated Value:
Due to the limited available information on George Sandefur, consulting a specialist in sled manufacturing history or regional collectors in Iowa may reveal additional details that could enhance the sleds’ value. Consider reaching out to:
Additionally, professional cleaning or restoration of the metal components may increase visual appeal and value.
These are actually not dog…
These are actually not dog sleds, but a type of cart called "Sulkies" used for Dogs, Goats Ponies and Horses. What they were designed for depends on their size. Both would have been mounted with light spoked wheels, much like that would be used on bicycles. Replacement wheels are available, fitted with wheels these could sell for over $800.00 a piece. We have no information on the maker by name or design,