InstAppraisal is committed to remaining free for everyone, but running a site like ours comes with significant costs. Please consider donating to help us remain a free and accessible resource for antique, collectible, and art lovers everywhere. |
InstAppraisal is a completely community-driven, crowdsourced platform for antique appraisals, classifieds, and information, all available for free. Appraisals are submitted and reviewed by the public, including expert antique appraisers from InstAppraisal, who share insights on history, value, authenticity, and more.
We invite you to contribute your expertise by reviewing appraisals and sharing your knowledge with fellow members. Your participation earns you points, helping you gain recognition as an expert within the community.
As a token of appreciation, we award an Amazon gift card each month to the member with the highest points from the previous month. Congratulations to SilentGal for winning this month's giveaway!