Camusso Tea and Coffee Set
Tea-pot 21.2oz - - size 6 1/2" base to top x 11" spout to handle
creamer - 7.3 oz - - size 5" tall x 6 " spout to handle
sugar - 8.3 oz - - size - 5" tall x 6" handle to handle
coffee - 21.3 - - size - 8 1/4 tall x 10 1/4 sput to handle
bowl - 3.2 oz - 38.4 - size - diameter 3 1/4 ~ 2 1/4
Tray - ~63oz - 20 1/2" tray - handles 24 1/2" x 13"width
Sterling Silver and ? in handle. Either a plastic or Bone.
Tea and Cofee Set Never used.
Tray Rarely Used
Lightest surface scratches on tray. Small Pit on tray edge. There are some grey spots,on the tray, and tarnish the detail and joints of of the handles
All wear to Tea and coffee set are from storage.
The Tea and Coffee Pot have few light scratches at the outermost edges - Only seen in certain angles of the light. A tiny surface scratch/indent(not even a 16th of an inch in) on the teapot that can only be found in certain light/positions. (I'm including a picture taken in the barn where the distortion of the roof shows the area)
The pin of the hinge is also quite strange - I have included this as well. My mother says the set was never used and the hinge came that way.
The creamer has a smaller pit at bottom of creamer, and top of sugar bowl top handle has a few tiny pits.