bowl with wavey top brim. bottom of inside has raised what looks like a pair of pears on branch with leaves. inside has like a bronzeish patine. outside bottom silver in color with maker mark, that has been double stamped off set. james w. tuets on top of star, boston warrented quadrupleplate and below that is 1844.
I have a newspaper from 1945, post ww2 associated press, very good condition for age
I have another from aug 15th 1945, its a stars and stripes edition detailing the japanese surrended headline= "TRUMAN ANNOUNCES TOTAL SURRENDER"
On August 15, 1945, The Stars and Stripes announced in large, bold letters the end of World War II. Harry S. Truman announced the unconditional surrender of the Japanese, just a few days after the dropping of the atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
This is one of a pair of excellent Marbro Asian Style cast metal hand-painted lamps. Purchased by my Grandmother a native of Los Angeles about 1964-66 they have been in my possesion since 1986 and I've taken great care with them. All electrics work of course and they are 100% original. The bottom labels are handwritten and unfortunately the 3rd characther is unclear. I am hoping for a definitlve identification and ball park appraisal.