I inherited this piece from an estate. I have had several people wanting to buy it from me. However, I amm not sure where to begin with negotiating a deal or if I should hold on to it.
Stamp inside drawer: Imperial, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Second sticker reads: All exposed structural parts and plywood faces guaranteed. Genuine Mahogany. Genuine Mahogany grows only in West Indies. Tropical America and West Coast Africa. Number 123. Mahogany Association, Inc. Copyright USA
Under drawer has numbers written in black 162/2090. The number 263 is stamped into the wood.
Leather top on center with gold scroll stamp around border. Two drawer pulls. Metal covers on feet. Not sure material (brass?)
My grandmother has had this chair for years. I know she has reupholstered it and stuffed it with the original horse hair but as far as I know it's only been the one time. We have had this chair appraised one time years ago and was told that it was hand carved but never sold it.
I bought this Thayer carriage at a garage sale 28 years ago. I would like to know if anyone can tell me how old it is or maybe where to look to find the manufacture date. I also would like to know the value in its current condition. The cushion inside the carriage is original, but does need repair or replacement as the vinyl has cracked away from the seam.