Plain black frames.Art work is painted on to silk, there is no damage to any of the items,Can not put down name of the artist as this is portraid as a red stamp under the Chinese/Japanese writing
Only a similar item found..a "pilgrim flask" that is either 17th or 18th century deccan, indian, persian, or islamic. It has beautiful engravings including a lotus flower on both sides of the crescent shaped bowl. There is a symbol or writing in the petal in the center that I have not been able to identify. Petina fills the engravings as well as a few other spots. I cannot and have not found another item quite like this one; however, the diamond shaped foot and the notch in the spout seem to be consistent with photos of authenticated pilgrim flasks that are similar.
Please help me determine the true origin, its use, its age, and value... In general, I'd like to know anything I can about it....your imput is valued.
Picked up this keg at a local auction for $50. I dont really know anything about it, neither did the auctioneer. Im interested mostly to know what it is, and what it was used for. What its worth would be a bonus. Any information would be greatly apprecaiated, I have never seen anything like it.
the faucet in the front is functional, and there is a band that goes around the circumference of the barrel with somewhat detailed pictures in it. Each picture has the same charector in it in what seems like different locals.
There is an etched in serial number on the bottom and an impression that says "Century Silver [something]te" Cant make out the third word completely maybe "Plate"?
This framed numbered print is #6 of 200 and looks to be done in black pen and watercolor. It is signed and numbered by M.J. Blakebrough and is of the 1976 Bicentennial Balloons.
I picked this item up yesterday. It is a Charles Limbert, but is not from his Arts and Crafts collection as you can see by the styling. The number on the back identifies it as 308-8. The manufacturer is burnt into the wood "Limberts Arts & Crafts Furniture - Grand Rapids and Holland." I have photos that show the 308-8 and the wood mark, but they are over 2MB so they are not uploading - if anyone knows how to fix this - let me know! I am wondering what this item is worth.