It has the red writing, It looks like it is of japanese roalty,. It has the reallife look with lots of raised painting on it. It has lots of raised dots on the clothes as well as the whole vase.
This desk was passed on to us when we bought thye house. My Husbands Grandfather bought this desk and used it often. My father in law tells us it was bought in the 30's or 40's. There are no markings that I have found however there are numbers stanped on the bottom of one of the drawers. We have the key that goes to the lock.
This was my Granny's, passed down to my Mom, and then to me. This little guy is imported from Japan by Napco, and I haven't been able to find anything like him (by Napco).
As you can see in the photo below, I have the "Puffy Cigarettes", 7 of them, and two of the original packages. The packaging is in rough condition, but the cigarettes themselves are in perfect condition, ready for use.
I know that the figurine isn't worth a great deal, but I haven't been able to find these cigarettes anywhere and it doesn't look like many others have either.
Was part of a collection of family heirlooms. I'm sorry to say that I know absolutely nothing about this item other than it does not show any of the distinguishing marks found on Murato Clowns which are very similar to this one.
Solid bronze colored parrot on a stand that rests on a circular marble slab. Sorry I don't know anything about this item. It was given to my boyfriend by his father.