These were given to me by my mother. I'm not sure where she got them. They were put away for a while then I decided to take them down & polish them. I noticed a mark on the bottom. Apollo Silver Company Quadruple Plated 271. I cant find much about them on the internet. This is the 2nd time i've posted them on this website. Didnt hear anything the first time i posted it. I would appreciate any information regarding the value of the candle stick holders or where they could have come from. Thank you.
This piece belonged to my Great Uncle. I am unawre of the origin or history behind it. It is in good condition. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.
This beautiful wooden china cabinet belongs to my mom who now lives in a retirement apartment. 2 years ago, Before that, it belonged to her mom. I was told it is a 1910 Era, and given the following description.
China Cabinet ; Circa - 1910 ; Country of Origin - United States ; Period - 20th Century Reproduction ; Style - Aesthetic ; Manufacturer - Unknown ; Description - Gallery with Central Arched Crest with Carved Shell Flanked by Acanthus over Bolection Molding, Central Glazed Door with Fretwork Flanked by Two (2) Burl Wood Panels with Carved Floral Elements over Arches over One (1) Drawer with Chip Carved Molding over Carved Floral Central Element, Turned Legs Joined by H-Stretcher Ending in Ball Foot, Pressed Metal Drawer Pulls ;
The dimensions for the description above was 70" tell x 24" deep and mine is only 14.5" deep.
Would be interested in selling once I can identify!
I would like another opinion, please! I don't think this description exactly matches.
Penncrest model 8110 am/fm radio/ record player floor model. early 1960s, Bought at JCPennys, production code number 9401, wooden approx. 5-6 foot long and approx. 3 foot tall. works great, few small scratches otherwise ecellent condition.