This chandelier was hanging in one of the upstairs bedrooms of the house we just purchased. The house is a 1925 Colonial which was originally built for the professional baseball players so that they could walk to the field. The chandelier is original to the house.
From Coimbra, Portugal. There are not many on the American Market. The city of Coimbra has been making pottery for many centuries. The piece was produced at the Conimbriga Ceramic Factory, founded in the city of Condeixa. The fatory is known for its majolica earthenware, whose designs are based on tradional pieces dating back to the 17th century.
This is what is considered a desk set. It is in mint condition and a beautiful and rare item to find.
I found it at a thrift store at the foot of signal mountain Tn, a lot of people with old money donate their deceased loved ones things here, i know there are rare to find, sell for 200 and up, I know it was donated by someone off signal or lookout mountaink, OLD MONEY, no one knew what it was when they saw it at the UNITED WAY thrift shop...they are mostly shopping for cheap deals, not antique smoking tables with humidors lined in copper and hand carved wood door with brass knob for pullin to open the door . very little patina..simalar on ebay stop making in 1937