I have a pair of Staffordshire Ware Red & White Spaniel Dogs and was wondering if they were authentic or fakes. Also, what is their value? They are marked on the bottom as follows: Staffordshire Ware Kent Made In England" with a rope tied in a knot logo. Thank you for your assistance.
Not exactly sure what to put. Was told it is an antique carnival glass vase with beaded glass flowers. Was told it was made prior to 1950. No markings to id the piece(s).
This is a baseball I got at an auction. On the box that it was in someone wrote ( baseball dad gave me ) It has about 16 signatures on it a few I can make out. Gary Carter, Will Clark, Bob Lillis, Dan Quisenbury. The others I cant make out. Probley need an sigature expert to find out. I would like to know what it is worth. thank you. Dave