this looks like an old handmade bowlback mandolin, the wood is nice, maybe walnut and cherry or maple?very light weight, 8 strings, metal tuners with ebony tips and ebony fretboard? the tail piece is a thin metal, maybe tin, could be steel, the inlay is not one piece, but the edges are turned up so i don't think it is plastic? has a turtleshell look with ivory ? pinstripe separate. I cannot find a name, initial, #, trademark, nothing of a hint of who,where,when.
This figurine was purchased by my father as a young boy in west Texas in the mid30's or early40's. I dont know anything else about it. The mark DEN is at the base. It is a folk art fiddler. Not sure what made of, but has cast markings on the sides.
i have a small ceramic bowl hand painted on the inside (on the side it saye L'Hermine on the bottom it says desrosier& e limoges france no date that i can find the picture inside seems to be of a weasel thre crosses and a crown"