it is a set, sorry no pic ?, the seen is a water mill barn is pink has brige over water in front of barn with a horse drawn green bugggy, 2 cows to the left of pink barn, with lady in blue dress.
seen looks like it mite be snow coverd with brown baron trees, some green vegation along stream, on the far left of barn there is a pink house with addtional barn very small.edge of plate is wave eavenly patterned.
1930 monarch maleable electric range. This was my mothers stove for abou 20 years. She took very good care of it, And there isn't any rust.I used it when I was taking care of her, so I know it wored at that time.
This chair/ throne is all wood except for the back which is an embossed leather I believeThis a very massive chair ade out of at least 2"wide carvd wood.