I have a table that has a 1-foot leaf. It has a slide mechanism from Jefferson Woodworking company. It has round corners on the table and has an inlaid diamond pattern on each corner of the table and on the chair backs and on the matching Buffet. The chairs have arched springs and have cloth seat with solid wood backs. I did look up the Jefferson woodworking company and found out they only made the slides. I’m not sure who made the table or what year? I have looked under it and every place to find any markings or numbers and cannot locate any on the table. On the Buffet it has a sticker 7261 and 38 stamp on the wood back. Maybe the markings on the Buffet might help. If anyone has a clue to where they might be hiding on the table, please let me know. Thank you for your help from a newbie.
A vintage Citizen Quartz. Serial # 3220-8907895SMW. Belonged to my grandmother. I am looking for any information about this watch. Date of manufacture, date sold, value to me is priceless. I dabble in genealogy and just want to find out about this watch. I have a picture of my grandmother wearing it in pictures taken for her 50th wedding anniversary.
I have three of these in decent condition. They are very similar to the Ethan Allen ones, but they do not have the Ethan Allen stencil/mark under the seat.