I have a 97 pieceFukagawa Arita Dinner set, pattern 901 and a 54 piecs set with the napkin rings, candlesticks pattern 901. These are still wrapped in the original packing and boxes. Only a couple of pieces have even been removed from the box to look at. I know the set was manufactured prior to 1972, as that is the date of the shipping information on the labels attached to the box. I am interested in finding the value of these and possibly selling them.
i purchased a old house full of antiques. im positive this is a ether mask as in the early 20th century my home was a doctors office. i have had the local historical society verify this and they wanted this and many other items i found in my home donated to the museum. but they are known for selling off items and most of the donations never get to the museum. the curator is a volunteer and he is not a honest man. so please look at the mask and i was hoping you could date it or possibly let me know the manufacturer so i will know more about this item. i find it morbid. thanks carl
This was given to me by my Grandpa who is 93 years old. I am not sure about the history of this item. I am assuming he purchased this item when he was in the military 50-60 years ago, but I am not certain. The carving is a little over 1 foot tall and weighs approximately 5lbs.