Bought this matching pair of floor vases 25 years ago from an antique store with no history. They are 52 inches high and have no discern able markings. Both are pristine with no chips.
I want to buy a ww2 Japanese flag, but i want to make sure it is not a reproduction first before i buy it. The seller said that it came from a relative and has been stored since his relative came back from ww2. I would appreciate if anyone could help tell me how to find out if its authentic or not.
This 1965-1966 grundig ks680u stereo console with an awesome tube receiver, turntable and reel to reel recorder was my grandfathers. The console is made with very high quality wood with a gloss finish. Everything is in excellent working order. All speakers work, the turntable spins, the reel to reel works great, and the receiver powers on and tunes in. Very smooth volume and tone controls. Original components include a built-in DUAL 1009 Hi-Fi Turntable and AM/FM radio receiver. A folding lid with a metal hinges encloses the receiver and turntable, which plays at 33, 45 and 78 rpms. Additionally, a Sony TC-350 three-head reel to reel (4-trak) with cover - (Monophonic or Stereophonic) is included on the lower slide out shelf. This unit was made and sold in Germany during the late 60s.
This modern style console is stunning to look at. There are no dings. One two inch long scratch is located on the top and some small scratches are on the bottoms of the legs but other than that there are no other noticeable scratches.
I am looking to sale the whole console unit but I am a realist, so i don't hold out a lot of hope of selling this complete. The fact is, that it's in excellent condition and is so beautiful, that i have to try. The alternative option is that I will have to salvage it. Unfortunatly I just don't have the space for it.
Any ideas of how much someone would be willing to pay for it?
I inherited several pieces of antique glassware and am curious as to whether or not these pieces are Fostoria, and if so, the name of the pattern and the approximate values.
Three piece set of flowered porcelain items: two bottles/vases with lids and one large bowl. The set has all over flowers with subtle colors and winding green vines with leaves. Each piece also has gold trim at top and bottom. The base of each piece in numbered in red, for example 23/305.