my mother bought these at a flea market 35 years ago, she is 72. she does not remember how much she paid, the geisha girls are intirly carved of some kind of stone bodies and dresses. she has kept them hanging on her bedroom wall all this time, do you know or ever seen anything like them? the emblems of the writing on each are carved of wood on the picture, have no ideal what they say.
one of the pictures will not load, ill try to get it on later, she is basicly the same except she has her right arm extended up toward the tree
I have a El Sidelo S.I.D.Y CA cigar box that says Lily on the side of the box. These were 10 cent cigars. I would like to know if anyone knows anything about the value of this item? Please and thank you!
The back of this painting says “Painted by C. A. Treadwell. Manchester N.H. 1858”. The frame appears to be original but I am not sure. Somehow this painting has wandered to the Midwest: I purchased it in Minneapolis. It is a large painting and of a very high quality. I would welcome any information people can offer. I am interested in selling the painting and would appreciate a general idea of what I should expect from various markets, eg. Antique stores, consignment stores, galleries, and maybe any advice as to the best route to take for selling this painting.