My name is Penny and I was wondering if I could get your opinion on a recent find I made? I found what I believe is a 1930s piece, I think it's a two drawer server table. As you can see the condition is a little rough but appears to be really well made. The top piece runner appears slightly bowed but that may be fixable be a local wood restorer (not sure). I tried to include close-ups of all the damage. So my question is really 3 parts:
1) what's it worth in the current condition? 2) Could/should repairs be made and what might be a good estimate on the cost? 3) If I made the repairs, what would it be worth then?
I normally find old pieces and paint them Shabby-chic style, I was going to do that with this piece when I first saw it and resell it for $400-500 with some small repairs made, they would be hidden by my paint. When I saw the emblem I thought I might have something special and an internet search lead me here. Thanks for your time.
It is about 2 inches long, has a break barrel single shot cap gun says "molgora" and "mignonnette" on one side and "mondial" and "made in italy" dep on the.other side missing key chain part, but still cocks back and snaps forward like new.
Built in 1911, re-tuned in 1934, Given to family by friends living in log cabin, northern Minnesota in 1960. Had many coats of paint and damage. Refinished and rebuilt. Still owned by our family. The organ has its original mirror which has been re-silvered, original top and original claw and glass ball footed swivel stool. All keys and Ivories are clean, unbroken and in excellent shape. All stops are labeled/named and working. The organ can be played/is working and I'd like to know the approximate value of such an item.
I have a grandfather clock and I cannot find any brand name, numbers or any markings to tell me the make and model. I would also like to know its value. I got it around the late 1980's. I appreciate any help very much.