Purchased these various drawings and portfolios at a estate sale ,the person holding the sale told me that the artist was a Disney employee, all have signatures and various markings such as time ( to draw?) dates,etc.
one is a Cinderella ad from a mag. and the original drawing is attached , I also have the person's name that lived at the house where the sale was conducted ( who I assume did the art work.) I will provide his name only if it helps me get info. I would appreciate any info as I am going to frame them . They all are high quality work and original . I have a pic. of a group of men who this person describes as " The Group " there are lots of drawings and doodles in the portfolio and drawings on a directory from a hotel in Ohio where( I get from reading it) they had a meeting . any and all information will be greatly appreciated as I have not been able to get any info from Disney.
this commercial citrus juicer was made in Cuba before Castro's take over. The manufacturing was done by Cia Konikal in Cuba it had Cuban pat. 10114-10148 and no US pat. It has a very art deco appearance.
It was a gift from my ex girlfriends parents. Says j-7991 and e-51054 on it. Looks nautical to me. They told me ot was very expensive and old. It still has the old plug on it and looks to be brass maybe. I can't find anything on it.
This has many records and all parts including locks, keys, changeable head for diamond needle and 78 RPM needle, Duncan Stop (not connected right now), needle grease, all serial numbers and parts attached including papers, original finish and all original parts. The cloth speaker cover was torn so that has been replaced with new speaker cover fabric ordered from repair company. Excellent condition. Plays both 78 RPM and Diamond needle records which are in two drawers of cabinet. Has owners name on one of the records. Purchased by my family from original owner in 1970. Would like to know an approximate value.