I'd love some info on this beautiful little vase I got from a friend. I'd love to know what it says on it and who made it. It stands approx. 5" tall without the wooden base. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
I'd love some info on this beautiful little vase I got from a friend. I'd love to know what it says on it and who made it. It stands approx. 5" tall without the wooden base. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
The bottom says, "Wilcox siler plate co, quadruple plate meriden conn, 4214." It has a floral pattern on it. It has 11 holes in the cap, so it must be some kind of shaker.
Hi, i have a sculpture from the late 1880s era signed by Emile Bruchon i am not sure what it is made from maybe bronze? it stands 17" high and wieghs roughly 3.5kgs. I am pretty sure it is a piece of a shcoolboy
1802 hand painted Swedish blanket chest in origial conditon. Date is hand painted on front of chest. Original key, has some swedish painted on the inside of the lid, but not sure what it says. Has not been refinished in any way. There is another piece of wood on the inside after opening the lid. Looks like maybe to use as a bench.
I am interested in purchsing 3 Hummel Dolls. This is the only information I have regarding the items. I am not very familiar with Hummel collectible and I would like to know what these 3 dolls are worth, so that I do not overspend for these items.
The Porzellanpuppen circa
The girl is "Signs of Spring" 05-203-01-3.
The boy is "Carnival" 05-328-01-8.
The other boy is "Lost Sheep" 05-178-01-3.
They are in original boxes, with all of their pieces.