1906 singer/banfield sewing machine in cabinet. Missing belt needs small piece on back of draw repaired have piece. Otherwise in overall excellent condition. All mechanisms in working order. Looking to sell.
This is a really funky piece I scored at a yard sale~~Three bucks!! It's pretty sizeable measuring 38"H x 30"W,Framed.Deciphering what it is stitched on is hard.Looks like some light form of burlap/ canvass stuff.Four peacocks or birds of paradise(?) and then a slew of flowers and vines all stitched in thin yarn/heavy embroidery.I really like it and would like to find out what type of regional/ethinic style I am looking at as I would like to look for similar items.
Well not really a toy..but ...This doll measures 13.5"H and is very detailed.Painted girl holding a dove with a bow about the neckline.Painted boots w/bow and the base is covered in painted on leaves.As you see the face is painted with the huge blue eyes and what doesn't show well in my photois the nose and mouth.Very fine.The entire doll,inicluding the underneath of the base is coated.Excellent condition.
My son was gifted this bayonet by my ex-husband and he was interested in it's history and worth. It has Carl Elkhorn stamped on one side and the numbers 2620 f on the other side. We do have pictures of the bayonet and the sheath. We have not cleaned it or anything. We kept it in the original condition i was given to us. My sons email address is: [email protected]. You can reach him at the following numbers: 307-996-6110 or 407-201-1588.