I have no information on this item. A homeless man gave it to me and it has truly given me the creeps since then, but my curiosity has led me to keep it. There is a label stuck to the back with words written in cursive which i can't make out but if i were to quess it says : los' easa mediona 700/00202. It deffinitly looks handmade and there is a small crack on the bottom. It looks tribal.
Printed on page:The Holy Bible Authorised King James Version
LICENSE: In terms of the Letters Patent granted by Her late Majesty Queen Victoria to Her Printers for Scotland, and of the Instructions issued by Her said Majesty in Council, dated Eleventh July, Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-nine, I hereby License and Authorise WILLIAM COLLINS, SONS AND COMPANY, LIMITED, one Hundred and Forty-four Cathedral Street, Glasgow, to Print and Publish, as by the Authority of His Majesty King Edward the Eighth, an Edition of the Holy Bible in New Brevier type, Decimo-sexto size, to consist of Ten Thousand Copies, as proposed in their Declaration dated the Thirtieth day of March, Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-six, the terms and conditions of the said Instructions being always and in all points fully complied with and observed by the said WILLIAM COLLINS, SONS AND COMPANY, LIMITED.Dated at Edinburgh, the Fifteenth day of April, Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-six. T.M.Cooper, Lord Advocate. Printed in Great Britain.
I wasn't really sure how to list the condition, I would have listed fair, but my mother says Good.
Edited/Retweeted to hopefully update the issue I had with a post with the same name. (Twitter was linking incorrectly to their post instead of mine for some reason)