I am curious what kind of dish this is as well as what the value of the dish is. I don't think it is a butter dish. It seems too large. Also, it doesn't look like other butter dishes put out by James W. Tufts. There are several items by him that appear online frequently. I was unable to find this one.
The design is unusual, I think...normally these beds have flowers or scrolls, but this one is more masculine, with 3D rectangles topped with "turret looking" decorations, below are some more classic 3D designs, then thin bars to the frame; it is quite high off the floor, and incredibly heavy...the side bars of the frame interlock with the head/footboards almost like Lincoln Logs...I don't really have any idea about the bed other than the approximate era...there are pictures from the ad on Craigslist Albuquerque, but I don't have any of my own yet...Would it be worth it to get some pictures sent?