Several pieces of authentic Stickley furniture. Conditions range from below average to above average. All pieces were in the home of former Hollywood actor Marshall Thompson. Total count of set:
-(1) Tall Backed Chair
-(1) Tall Backed Chair
-(2) Smaller Chairs
-(2) Bedside Tables
-(2) End Tables with Extending Wings
-(1) Side Table
This is a print that has been in our family home for approximately 60 years.
The print is from Morris and Bendien of New York and is signed V. de Parades.
The print measure 24x36.
I would be interested in learning what the value of this print might be.
I have these plates but haven't been able to find any others like them online. I am unsure of the pattern name. Identifying information on the plates is Kings Ware AD1730. I would be interested in the value and possibly purchasing more.