This plate number l2762J is an authentic original in the limited edition of "Scarlett" by artistRaymond Kursar,the first issue in the only collector's plate series ever authorized to commemorate MGM immortal film, Gone With the Wind. This is Plate I in Edwin M,Knowles Gond with the Wind Collection.
The first map is of the proposed "Jefferson Davis National Highway" by Karl Smith put out in 1935 by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. There is a UDC seal on the back that says that this was given to the Chattanooga Public Library by the Gen. A.P. Stewart Chapter of the UDC. It also has the word "pitch" handwritten in red on the back.
The second print is by Karl Smith, done in 1949, and shows the genealogy and important events in the life of Robert E. Lee.
The third print is by Karl Smith, done in 1953, and shows geography and important events of Abraham Lincoln.
I do not know much about Karl Smith other than he was (is?) a cartographer from NC or KY and did maps of several states (NC, IN, and KY are the only ones I have found online) and, obviously, some important people from years gone by.
I cannot find anything about these three prints/maps and would just like to know more about them. Thank you!