The lure is bone or ivory. It is stamped MADE IN OCCUPIED JAPAN. A 1/16" copper plate is mortised into the nose and extends back 1 7/16". This plate is secured with a copper tube and two copper rivets. A wire hoop as a leader goes through the tube si connected to itself with a compression connector that also appears to be copper. The hook is 4 1/8" long and the hook gap is 1 inch.
The ring eye of the hook is secured to the body with a large copper rivet. The back of the hook is secured with twisted copper wire through two holes in the end of the body.
WWII trunk / footlocker belonging to Leitenant Jack E Dewberry
of Marine Corps markings on top a f t a c approx date 1942
leather straps handles on sides, color green and red exterior
looks like glossy cherrywood or mahogany wood inside removable
shoe compartment or drawers with storage underneath. Front has
2 manual hinges to close and a lock in center with key.
This is brass or copper box with velvet interior, it has a brass latch and hinges, it has a scenery of nobles with peacocks on the top of the lid and has fans of oriental type on the side panels, with a scenery on the front panel also. The top and the sides have a Grammes etched into the panels. It has small brass nails holding the panels in place. If you zoom in or magnify the photos you will see the design and the Grammes signature.