There are 6 Byzanta Ware bowls. Three have a sailing ship in full sail, other three have twin sail vessel with oars. The finish is pearly - a beautiful blue/mauve colour. Probably never been used. Perfect condition. The distinguishing marks include '5046 my' and of course Byzanta Ware Grimwades Stoke on Trent
1949 Table Top Hand Carved King Lighter,, Top and bottom are numbered 39 and made in France .. Lighter pops out .. lighter doesn't work but might just need fluid , Light rust aroung Crown
The vase is 17" tall and has a lot of components to it. I found it in a storage locker that I had won at auction. There was a lot of Westmoreland and Fenton pieces in there as well, so logic tells me that this piece is along the same lines, perhaps American Brilliant? There's no marks that I can see on it.
50-piece setting of Gorham Sterling Silverware. Service for 8 includes: knives, forks, salad forks, teaspoons, soup spoons, butter knives along with 2 extra large serving spoons and a gravy ladle. In the original wooden chest. No monogram. Circa 1956
I am thinking about fixing this chair that I found in my parents attic up for resale but want to know if I should even mess with it. I can't find anything online in regards to who makes the piece and am wondering if anyone could help me with some background information on it.
It has two hand carved ducks on the armrest and a cool type of tapestry like upholstery on it.