The Pictures are pretty self explanitary. This is a real working payphone that used to be in circulation. It has wear and tear on it from being in use, including fine scratches on it and paint chipped off on the front left corner of the bottom block. I don't have the key for the change box, but it doesn't have the locking mechinism anymore anyway. The bottom crome piece will come out if you pull it off. The wires are just the standard green and red telephone line, there is no jack connector.
very dark and very heavy. chairs sturdy, no wiggle in backs. pieces are dusty and have been stored many yrs. suite consists of table, chairs(one captain style-5 w/o arms, buffet and china cabinet. would like to learn name of the design, manufacterer, date, etc. any info helpful and appreciated.
The item is an authorized, copirighted reproduction sold by Museum Pieces, Inc. It has a etiquete with a description of the item at the base but some parts ar blurry. It represents the head of a male cambodian deity from around the 10th century found around 1860. It's made of stone and is in very good condition. The original piece is located at the Springfield Museum of Fine Arts.