this vase belonged to my great grandfather,it has no markings but i have noticed it has a famille rose pattern with ten butterflies and birds on it,it weighs approx 8pounds
Having a very hard time finding any info on this artist! Its an oil painting that is 4ft x 2ft. I have seen several different price ranges for this pic and even that there may not even be a G Whitman. The signature is in the right corner of the painting and the frame is beautiful. I have a receipt for the painting. It was purchased at Beverly Hills Art Galary for $425.00 which I believe was in the 70's or 80's. It also came with a card that gives info on the artist saying that he was born in 1932 in Ann Arbour Michigan. Any info you have would be greatly appreciated!!
I bought this at a yard sale not too long ago. The print itself measures 36 x 48, and its framed in a gold gilt frame. Its extremely heavy. I know Klimt did a painting entitled "Life and Death". "Death" is not in this print. I believe I read somewhere that he later covered "Death" over. I was wondering if it has any value at all. I
a lithograph by paris l turgis, the sacred heart of jesus. jesus with robe open showing the sacred heart, head tilted to his right shoulder, scare showing on the to of his hand, brown and white robe, fench writing "sacre coeur de jesus also sacrado corazon de jesus.