I have a 17 inch tall German beer stein .... on the bottom it has made in germany and the mark 20 or 2D.. has a hunting design and is in good condition
My mother bought this lamp at a garage sale. We dont know that much about it other than it is a C.R. Dibben (Maker. 167, Sloane Street, S.W.) Perhaps someone familiar with this make and style of lamp can offer us a little more information. We did a little research online and found a few others similar to this that appeared to be pretty valuable. What do you think? Thank you in advance.
Large marble mortar is square on the out side with the bowl carved on the inside. It is about 18" square and it has to be 50 pounds. There are a few scuff marks, but nothing that can't be buffed out. The pestel is very heavy, double ended and measures more than two feet.
This dark cased beauty has a weight driven system. I can't tell what the wood is, but it is colored black. There is old fashioned multi paned glass in the window, several cracks. The most unique feature I found was the clock face area. The numbers seem to be some kind of gold inlay in wood. Then there is an engraved center on what I think is brass. The engraving seems to be a turkey. Around the rim of the brass circle, on the bottom, it says C.A. Warner & Co, New York. I have searched endlessly for this exact ompany, but can't seem to figure out the A. And I haven't found any other clocks on line that have this detail. Help!
A hinged bangle bracelet, probably gold filled. Was given to my grandmother about 1910. Makers mark on inside D & G or D & C . Very small , hard to see