Nice Acme RED cedar chest, it was made by Acme Cedar Chest Company in South Bend, Indiana. Their is a lock but it needs a key. Includes sliding box inside. It is still very aromatic...smells like cedar. There are 4 copper straps on the top and down the front in their natural patina. The chest is 44 in long x 18 inchs tall and 18 inches wide. It is on casters ,to make it easy to move around. Fair Condition. I am 45 years old and this chest has been in the closet away from daylight since before i was born.
Early 1900's Red Cedar Chest Made by Acme Chests , in South Bend Idiana -Acme Chests Burned down on July 4,1916 from fireworks and they couldnt afford to rebuild and they never made another chest.