I cannot for the life of me figure out the picture on the clear sticker on this vase. I thought it was a duck at one time, now I'm not so sure. It does have two letters in front of the word king, can't get the first one and I believe the 2nd one is an E.
Late 1800's minton pitcher.White with blue/grey flowers, leaves and stems covering entire outter. Approx. 11 1/2" tall, 10" at widest point, 4 1/2" base. Very good condition, no chips, cracks or crazing. Normal wear on bottom. Any ideas on history or value.
we just stripped and refinished a now very pretty looking 2 drawer low boy oak veneer dresser.
The 2 drawers have a bow front that shows the beautiful grain pattern of the quartersawn tiger stripe oak. Or is it perhaps curly oak? It is constructed with dovetail joints. There are 2 nice brass keyholes, the key is missing. There are several stress marks on the top, not distracting at all, and a slightly darker are that we could almost but not completely hide as there was a water mark. Again, it is really not distracting from the overall beauty. The original handles had been replaced with new ones, we will have to find better ones, these will have to do for now.
Would like to find out approximate age, and an estimate for market value. Also, any other informnation about the dresser would be appreciated. Thank you!