I do not know anything about the history of this cedar chest. I found it at an antique store in the mall. The employees didn't know anything about the item. Need any information possible. Thank you for taking the time to browse my item.
I don't know the history of this Item what I am tring to find out is if it is real and if so how much might it be worth.I had heard that the real ones would have a rough look to them and as you can see in the pictures it dose.I thought maybe it was maybe a strap buckle.
Modernage Super De Luxe sewing machine from approximately the 1950's. Little is known about this sewing machine. I had forgotten we even had this out in the garage. My mom got it from someone. We don't even know if it works right now. I was just curious about it's value because it's obviously an antique.
This was passed down in the Swasnon family of swedish descent, to the oldest son, as far back as be remembered, for generation and generations. It was also carried through the civil war, by Peter Swanson of Bishop Hill Illinois, a Swedish settlement. He was in the 57th regiment,and served throughout General Sherman's campaign, which we will send documentaion.
That is as far back as I can trace the origns of this piece, I'm the last of the oldest sons of my family, so I have had this heirloom for many years.