I know very little about this- I do some refinishing but this looks too nice to refinish and I don't want to degrade the value- looking to probably sell.
I have this African Fertility God Statue. It is 12 inches tall, and carved of wood. I don't know too much about it, but have seen several types. I would like to learn a little more about what I have and maybe the value of something like this. Any helpful information about it would be appreciated. Thank you.
Set of 4 plates and 4 bowls with a 1792 Ridgway Ironstone England REGD Trade mark 738990 Fragrance is all written on the back. This dishes have been passed down for a couple generations now.
Glass punch bowl set with 10 cups and laddle, was my grandmothers so not sure how old it is, no writing or words on it to mark it, please let me know if you anyone can identify it and how much it may be valued at, thanks!