Crane Neuvogue Sink 1936, It was made by The Trenton Potteries Company according to the stamp on the bottom. It also has the chrome plated square frame legs and towel racks on both sides. The faucet fixtures all work. According to some research I've done, It appears to be rare and valuable. I would like to know just how valuable this sink is in case I do decide to sell it.
This piece is a very well crafted item that looks to be handmade . It is crafted of two different pieces of metal. I am not certain what either type of metal is but both are very precisely made and fitted together. One part looks to be some type of brass or copper and the other is what looks to be some type of stainless but am not sure of either one. Neither seem to corrode or rust but both seem to show a very nice " patina " and looks to be made quite a few years ago. The piece is very solid and does not bend or cave in when pushed on or hit upon. It would take quite a blow to make a dent upon either metal surfaces.
There are on marks or identifiable patterns or stencils. The bottom is not flat and would normally stand up very well by itself but has the bottom knocked or bent in so that it can stand by itself. There is no lid nor any type of cap that was attacked or one that served by itself as a cover.
This is a painting by Laiche that is of a little shack in the swamp that he painted on a 100 year old piece of rock slate from a roof that came from Europe . I have seen some of his other work but never of this picture in the swamp. On the bottom right of the painting is looks to be signed by Pierre Louis Laiche and there is a date next to it showning '78.
There are also 2 holes that I assume were used to used to attatch something to hang it from the wall. I don't know if they were made after the painting was bought by someone other than the artist. It also looks like at the top center of the painting and on the top left side some of the slate might have chipped off , again not sure if it came that way or if they are wear and tear damage. Also on the back there is a peice of what looks to be some kind of cardboard that is glued to the back as cushion when it is hung from a wall.
I am looking for some kind of an appraisal as to the condition and the value of the painting as well as the rariety of this painting compared to how often that the ones seen of clowns are.
TAGS: painting , painting on rock slate, Laiche, Louisiana, art
I was given these statues (a geisha and a samaurai) shortly before a very close mentor of mnd passed...he was and auctioneer and antique dealer for thirty years...and a collector for much longer...they are obviously hand carved...lots of seems so definitely not from a mold...ive seen similar statues that are bone or even ivory...but nvr identical...