The casing of the item is made of wood and leather. The inside of the casing that closes over the barometer is nylon. The barometer is made of plastic glass and metal and it still works.
I aquire this The DeVry Portable Motion Picture Projector Type E no.4238. I am tring to find a value on this item to possibly sell. Could you please help me out if you know the value or where I came to to find out.
This is a glass rooster, very heavy maybe 6-8 pounds. It is between 9 3/4 to 10 inches high and 7 inches width from front to tail. I recieved item as a gift from a mystery christmas penpal. The person shipped it from New Mexico but i think it was purchased at a yard sale or something along that line. I do not have it listed on ebay at this time, but would be willing to sell it. Just wondering if it is worth anything.