I have an edwin m knowles china co pitcher. The inside is gold. The outside is mostly brown with leaves and cherries going around it. The handle is blue. The bottom has the virteous edwin m knowles china co stamp. and then the numbers 21-2-9.
I found this Gorham plate and after researching I can only find info about YC427-1. This one does not have a -1 after it. I'd like to know more about the age and value of it. Please. :)
14k white gold asymmetrical face watch with a slide closure bracelet band. This watch is suspected to have been purchased in Switzerland in the 1950's or 1960's, since the original owner was from that country and traveled there during that time with his new wife, to whom this watch was given.
This Zither has been kept well it has extra strings still in packages, (C,F,E,E2,Acc-B/2, G low, D, B-(H), E, G low, G tief, A, F) tuning device, an extra ivory knob, case- hinges still locks all metal corners intact, handle has deteriated,ivory legs, lining looks great , music book- A. DARR method for zither , also a leather bonded book Zither Album 26 ( all intact no rips still bonded) i have more pics than posted i am intrested on any information about this instrament and value
I found this and it was cracked. I put it back together and noticed that there is a signature on the bottom something like Hart @ (I have included a photo of that) it appears to be a painted bowl. The edges are beveled like a pie crust. I was just curious if it was worth anything. It has a solid heavy feel to it obviously I don't know anything about pottery.