Very old trunk, really pretty details. Rough shape, but still solid.
It has a picture in the top, but it is missing part of it.
I would like to know some history if anyone has any idea, and also its worth.
I think I read something about in the 1800s these became popular because people used them when traveling and wanted the round top to try to ensure their trunk was always on the top of the luggage pile... But I am interesed in any other insight!
I saved this piece from going to the dump, I thought it looked beautful, its got some wear, but VERY restorable or shouldnt I? I do furniture repurposing, but this looks too beautiful to touch. I need more information and to what it is really? and how much its worth in as-is condition and restored condition.
My mother is 77 yrs old and she got it from her Aunt who got it from her grandmother. Could very well be over 1oo yrs old. It has no markings either to identify artist. I will send pics when I figure out how or e-mail them to your private e-mail. They are very very similer , but I can see suttle differences between yours and mine. I have only just started doing research on this.
Please let me know if you found any other info. Strange how so much detail went into these 2 vases and how they are so close in simularity