I found this cool lamp at a thrift store, but can't find any info about it! It has no markings, and I can't find any info anywhere online! I hope someone knows something... It is white with gold trim. Not in very good shape, but I am okay with a little wear and tear! I saw another lamp at a seperate store for much higher later today and it looked the exact same as this lamp with cherubs instead of the boy.
Pooh HIs Art Gallery Watercolors by E.H. Shepard from A.A. Milne's The World of Pooh and The World of Christopher Robin. 6 Watercolors, back of box is blank, side of box has $4.95 Pooh His Art Gallery Dutton printed on it. The bottom of the pictures say From the World of Pooh, copyright @1957 by E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc.
The item was obtained in Burma (Myanmar) sometime during WWII. I would like to know its value but mostly I want to know what it is. Many people guess incense burner but I don't think so. I think it might have been used to mix medicine or in some religious ceremony. I was told the writing that goes around the box are poems. I think the wooden box it is in was maybe made at a later date to hold it and carry it around. If the writing on the box could be interpreted that might give a clue to its purpose.