This piece has been in our family since 1950-1960. It is missing the small plastic strap on seat to snap in between baby's legs; otherwise, this piece is in excellent original condition and fully functional to convert between high chair & play table as designed. The teddy bear and duck decal is in perfect original condition and all wood still has the original high-gloss shine to it.
Love is walking hand in hand copy right 1965, Published by determined productions,Inc P.O. Box 2150 Sanfrancisco, Ca 94126. Prodject director connie Boucher and designed by Jim Young
This cabinet is in very good shape. It seems to have has some repairs done to it over the years, and one knob is missing, and it has no keys, but all in all it is a very nice piece. It is made of all solid oak, with what we think are rosewood accents. Beautiful detail. Was made so it can be taken apart completely, beautiful craftsmanship!
We've owned a house in Scotts Valley, CA since 1998. I was clearing growth around a large pine tree and found this tucked in the above ground roots/trunk area recently (2010). I cleaned away a lot of debris from it but haven't finished cleaning as the wood is very fragile, like a dried sponge.