Hi, I have this antique snuff box and I can't find any info on it. I have had it for just about 20 years. I have attached quite a few pics This snuff box is round made of wood and is just over 3" across in length. The silver filigree on top measures 1 3/4". The top plug that comes off the silver filigree measures 1". From the largest attachment ring on the removable top to the bottom of the wooden end piece is 1 1/2". The actual little wooded end piece measures 3/4". The chain only that attaches the removable top to the main round part is 2 1/2" with the ring that attaches to the prong it is 2 3/4's inches. The little prongs (I don't know what they a actually called) measure just over 3/4". This completely detaches from the main round wood piece. The silver piece on the side where the prongs go into sticks out from the side about 1/4". The silver circle part that the prongs go into measures 1/3' from end to end of the circle. The silver filigree on the side of the round wood snuff box where the prongs go into measures 1 1/3" horizontally and about the same vertically. You can't really see any seam on this. It is in beautiful condition as you can see. If you could please give me more details on this where/when that type of info along with how much it would be worth I would really appreciate it. I took it to a couple antique stores with some of my other snuff boxes and all I ever hear is "I can't afford that one" and they push it to the side and purchase one or two of the other ones I have. Thank you for you time. I would like to know what the value is worth before I consider selling it.
Kelly Lyman