Hi all, I am a very amateur collector and recently inherited my grandfathers collection of blue and white chinese porcelain after he suddenly passed away.
When I was cleaning out his estate buried in the basement under a bunch of his belongings was an old damaged trunk that was pretty much rusted shut. I was planning on throwing it out but when I picked it up I could tell something was inside so I pried it open.
Inside I found a rather large blue and white porcelain figure of a baby holding a cat, the baby is wearing an apron and the apron has a pattern I have never seen before, it also has images of three clouds and what looks to be a dragon or rooster It's hard to tell as its faded a bit. There are no markings or clues as to who made it that I can find.
My question is does anyone know what this is? or represents? Any idea when it may have been made? My grandfather left absolutely no info on it. I have taken quite a few pictures of it I have posted on my site http://www.ghostpix.com/baby/
The figure is almost 13 inches high and about 9 inches wide. I would guess weighs upwards of 5lbs
Please see the 10 images I have posted on the link.
I appreciate your time and any help you can give me in this a great deal.