It is a pink perfume bottle that is square but the sides don't come to points it is rounded. I'm not sure if there etched or cut into the bottle but the glass has squares in it. It has the little bulb thing that you squeeze to have the perfume come out it is also pink ( I don't know the right name for the little bulb thing)
Hi, this is an item that my parents brought home in the 1970s. They said it was Santa Annas. Back in the day they antiqued a lot and were knowledgeable in this regard. I can not see them being gullible. On a middle class income they were able to finance their "dream home" in the 1980s on the auction of many of their antiques. Having said that, being an adult now, there does not seem to be a way to authenticate this claim. This is why I am reaching out now to see if people who have knowledge in this regard can tell if could be true and answer if this has any value.
By mom and dads actions when they got home with this (I was young teen at the time) I know they spent some money on it. Have no way of knowing. Financially, could not see them paying a fortune but maybe up to a $1,000 back then would have been the limit I figure. Most likely in the hundreds by the way they were acting.
In two days of research, it is definetely unique and pretty but beyond this, I do not know.
If anyone can offer any thoughts on value of item and if they think it could have been Santa Annas it would be much appreciated.
I got this rifle cleaning out an estate along with several other antique rifles. I've tryed and tryed to find out anything about it that i could and have had no luck. I'd really like to know what its worth and some information on it. It has the date 1865 on it and Mre Impale De Chatellerault. Its in really good shape considering its 147 years old. Trying to sale it asap so i can get extra money for Christmas. Thanks
I Inhereted the heads from my grandfather, they have been in my family for some time. I do not know the whole story just that these heads were on kaiser wilhem II's yacht and belomged to him. They both totally resemble him, theres a good & bad one. My grandfather always said these were worth quite a bit of money. I've not been able to find anyone to properly appraise them. I have not seen any sort of signature or markings and with the research i've done, I believe they were commisioned by wilhelm and are one of a kind.