bedroom set 1950's germany, chifferobe comes completely apart, makeup desk and night stands are solid wood, head board is for kings size/ doublesingle(2 footboards)
I was given this chest and have researched for hours and can't find another one to get details. If the numbers were read backwards to date it, it wouldn't be correct, so I'm ASSUMING that this one reads forward as I have read about a few doing that. I can't find any info on the syle either. Any details would be helpful. Thanks!
Woman in her late 90s owned this. I bought them from a garage sale her children had right after her passing. She loved to throw extravagant parties and travel. She traveled all over the world. Japan, Germany, Sweden, China and Italy were just a few places she traveled to often. I picked up several pieces including this WmRogers. According to what Ive read on the internet the marking on the bottom indicates this was made by Wm ROGERS during the years of 1825-1841. After this his brothers partnered with him and it became Rogers Bros. They went thru couple more name changes, different partnerships, I believe went international, until company was bought out by larger corps.